Thursday, November 20, 2008

Project reflections

Well we are supposed to write a blog were we reflect on our "Rock On!" project.
Well at first I thought it was going to be pretty tedious, and boring. I was right, well partially. It WAS tedious, we didnt really get a day where we didnt have to work all day. Except for today, since we are done, all I have to do is write this blog.
Anyways, at times the project got a bit frustrating, only because we couldnt find certain things. -cough- Local bands -cough-. That took a while to do, we couldnt find local bands from every city, so maybe 1 or 2 were made up...
The work was pretty evenly split up, I did most of the graphic work though, the only thing I didnt do graphic wise was the cd cover, and tour bus. Oh, and the VIP/Backstage pass. OH AND, the t-shirt design, but I did do the logo, and poster + other stuff. =[. My logo was used in about every other graphic though.
In the end it was a good experience, I guess. I dont like working in groups though, because a lot of times people (including me) just dont want to do work, and you have to suck it up and do the work they should be doing (Or I should be doing). Oh well. I better get used to it now I guess, people work together in the real world all the time. I guess thats what I learned.

Our target market was mostly teens. We were sponsored by Gatorade, and a lot of high school kids drink that stuff. Even smaller kids...
I dont even think we used the marketing mix, or the 7 key functions of least not intentionally. We did use price, when pricing our tickets, location not so much. I suppose being sponsored is a type of advertisement. Distribution....nope, that wasnt least I dont think so. We did use product though, not referring to the band, but the cd case, t-shirt, and maybe the tickets as well.


DanielleW said...

I totally agree with you, i think the Project was VERYYYY tedious and deffenately frustrating at times. The hard part for my group was finding the number of seats in each that was really annoying! I really like yalls graphics by the way, very colorful and imagenative. Yeah sometimes working in groups, isnt always the best way to get things done, but like you said i guess we have to get used to it now. It was also kind of hard for me to figure out how we used the 7 key marketing functions...we only used two...or at least thats what i thought.

karla said...

blogpost..... too.... long..... to.... read.... must.... sleep....